  • Apple strikes back, sues HTC

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-03-04 12:00 发现相似文章

    Cites 20 cases of alleged infringement on iPhone patents by Android phonesby Philip Elmer-DeWittApple (AAPL) announced Tuesday that it had filed a law...

  • Rio Tinto - China strikes back

    财富中文网 2009-08-26 05:26 发现相似文章

    Still smarting from its failed attempt to buy into the Australian mining giant, Beijing makes a new bid to secure its supply of iron ore.By Bill Powel...

  • HTC hits Apple with wet noodles

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-03-23 05:44 发现相似文章

    Two weeks after Apple (AAPL) filed a pair of lawsuits against HTC for allegedly infringing on 20 iPhone-related patents, the Taiwanese smartphone manu...

  • Apple:‘Steve Jobs is back to work’

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-06-30 07:10 发现相似文章

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittTechnology’s most closely watched chief executive is officially back on the job, according to an Apple (AAPL) spokesman.“Steve J...

  • HTC Q2 profits soar on the back of Android OS

    Seth Weintraub 2010-07-09 01:57 发现相似文章

    With Windows Mobile device sales on the decline, HTC more than makes up with Android. The Wall Street Journal points out (subscription required) that ...

  • Is Motorola back?

    Laura Rich 2010-07-29 01:23 发现相似文章

    Not too long ago, it was Motorola-who? The Razr's leadership had fallen off, and Nokia was gobbling up mobile handset market share. The revenue losses...

  • HTC还能撑多久

    Kevin Kelleher 2013-10-21 06:36 发现相似文章


  • HTC反击战怎么打

    Richard Nieva 2012-03-28 01:22 发现相似文章

    音频设备厂商节拍电子公司(Beats Electronics)即将收购音乐订阅服务公司MOG?前者由于深得说唱明星德瑞博士和电音天后Lady Gaga等大名鼎鼎的流行音乐界人士青睐而广受欢迎。两家公司都没有确认这笔交易,但过去整整一周,网上有关这一消息的传闻却甚嚣尘上。本文将分析这笔交易的意义,主要...

  • HTC反击战怎么打

    Richard Nieva 2012-03-27 11:01 发现相似文章

    音频设备厂商节拍电子公司(Beats Electronics)即将收购音乐订阅服务公司MOG?前者由于深得说唱明星德瑞博士和电音天后Lady Gaga等大名鼎鼎的流行音乐界人士青睐而广受欢迎。两家公司都没有确认这笔交易,但过去整整一周,网上有关这一消息的传闻却甚嚣尘上。本文将分析这笔交易的意义,主要...

  • 安卓旗手HTC风光不再

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012-02-09 06:45 发现相似文章

    HTC一度成为安卓产品的代名词。2008年,这家台湾手机制造商推出了首款上市销售的安卓手机——HTC Dream手机。两年后,它又与谷歌合作推出了安卓旗舰产品Nexus One。去年11月,HTC超过三星(Samsung)、苹果(Apple)和黑莓手机生产商动态研究公司(Research in Mo...